As a member, you receive exclusive content, community access, behind-the-scenes updates, and the pride of fueling work that matters to you. UPDATE: a lot of links will send you to a page with ‘King Casey’ because the original creator deactivated their blog. By supporting creators you love on Patreon, you're becoming an active participant in their creative process. You can find the hairs/clothes of the matching numbers below in this video💕 All the links go to the original posters, and all the credit goes to them! I made sure to only use items that aren’t behind annoying (and harmful) ad.fly walls :) In this spotlight we’re featuring Maxis match hairstyles made for toddlers. Downloads 4 MB See More and Download Ye Medieval - Eria Dress Kids Sims 4. The Sims 4 CC Spotlight: Toddler Maxis Match Hair.

Just to be clear, I didn’t make any of the cc items I linked below. Sims 4 Maxis Match Clothes CC: The Ultimate Collection>Best Sims 4 Maxis. MY ENTIRE KIDS CC FOLDER (without ad.fly) 🌺 | Maxis Match SKIN N26 MAXIS MATCH: 8 swatches, 2 tones light and dark, 2 styles each (main ver.